Monday, June 21, 2010

Swimming with the Turtles

This adventure may not seem like much, but it is an experience that remains vivid in my mind.  Once we moved to Waikiki on the island of Oahu, Shawn went back to work in the concert business.  He designs lighting and set up and takes down the shows/tours.  Usually when an artist comes to the islands to perform, they have concerts on several islands.  Shawn's boss would fly us out to do the shows wherever they were at.  Whenever we would go somewhere, we would take a couple extra days off at the end of the show to explore the island.  It was great, we'd rent a Jeep Wrangler (and try to get a different color every time) and we'd cruise!
This one time we had flown over to Maui to do a concert with Jimmy Buffett-which was so much fun.  We even got to eat dinner with him and his staff before the show.  He was making paper airplanes and throwing them at the caterers.  He seemed like a pretty relaxed and laid back guy.  Anyway, that is another story in itself.

What I remember best is what happened in the few days after that.  We went snorkeling down by Wailea Bay, south of Kihei.  It was a beautiful day as usual, optimum temperature of around 80 degrees, so the water, although cool, felt great.  The currents were really strong, so we didn't stay in the water long because, honestly, it was a little scary!  At one point the current came up suddenly and swept me sideways into some rocks.  But before that, Shawn and I were snorkeling around looking at the various, colorful fish.  I was floating around and glanced over to my right to where I thought Shawn was.  But it wasn't him, it was a huge turtle!

He was just floating there like it was not big deal that he was within my reach.  The general rule is that you are not suppose to touch them, but he was close enough that if I wanted to I could have.  It was really cool seeing him in his natural environment and swimming there with him.  He totally reminded me of Crush in Finding Nemo....relaxed and just chillin'.  He even smiled for the camera! (top picture)
 Puffer fish

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